When you are choosing a platform to swap your coins, you want it to be the most reliable place where you can perform any transactions safely and confidently. We have chosen for you the top 5 platforms in the USA where you can trade with confidence that you are in the best place that can be used for the purpose.
LetsExchange.io is a new platform, thus, the team makes all possible to create the best conditions for traders. Why is it on the list of the best? There are several reasons, and all of them are relevant:
This is one of the biggest exchanges in the world. Here, you can trade with more than 200 coins, including the rarest ones. Along with cryptocurrency, fiat money is also accepted, and transaction fees are low indeed.
If you trade with Binance, you can use a Binance wallet. The platform also has its own token.
Coinbase takes top places in the ranking of exchanges constantly. This is one of the biggest, the safest, and the most reliable exchanges in the USA and the world. If you compare the conditions and the cryptocurrency list price – LetsExchange and Coinbase offer the best opportunities for traders.
Coinbase is famous for its simplicity – newbies can use the platform without facing any issues.
eToro is known not only for its favorable conditions but also for its absolutely easy-to-use platform. This is one of the platforms that offers beginners an incredible opportunity to practice trading with a virtual portfolio.
Along with it, traders can earn here from trading with major cryptocurrency pairs, tokens, altcoins, and stable coins. The platform charges only a spread cost when you purchase cryptocurrency. It differs depending on the coin you are buying but still, it is much lower than fees charged by the major platforms.
Mirror trading is also available here which is convenient for those who don’t have trading experience.
Kraken is one of the leading exchanges in the USA and the world based on liquidity, traffic, spot markets, and trading volumes. On Kraken, you can trade with 50+ crypto coins and several popular DeFi tokens. The automated portfolio monitoring feature allows traders to follow the market and manage the portfolio via an easy-to-use interface.
You can also visit the top cryptocurrency exchanges for an extensive guide on how to trade using cryptocurrency.
When you are choosing a cryptocurrency exchange for trading or a single swap, choose it very carefully. The platform shall apply all the advanced security measures such as DDoS protection, an SSL certificate, and similar. If the platform also offers a crypto-wallet, make sure it complies with all the safety requirements. Simply put, choose an exchange carefully and entrust your funds only to the platform that complies with all the regulatory requirements.
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