Business Tools

Best Personal Finance Apps

Managing your everyday expenses is a tough job. Now that most of us no longer carry a checkbook, tracking monthly costs and keeping up with the overall bank balance can be very intimidating. We understand your concerns and keeping all of these things in mind, we have written this article.

We must never forget that we are living in a world powered by technology. The internet and other technological advancements have made our lives simpler and more convenient. We have been blessed with websites and apps that make all our activities manageable for us.

You’ll be surprised to know that apps designed specifically for managing our daily expenses also exist. They are known as personal finance apps. How do these apps work? They connect with your bank account and assist you in keeping track of your spending patterns. They show you which divisions you spend the most in, record, and sometimes enable you to make forthcoming bill payments, and also keep track of your credit score.

In addition to this, the greatest personal finance applications offer countless components for administering your daily finances. These features include email reminders, tracking subscriptions, payment due dates, and more. Just sign up with an efficient internet service provider like Optimum Español (for Spanish speakers only) and timely receive all those payment and email reminders that will make your entire wealth management process easier.

So if you also want to organize your lives, make sure to go through the apps we have mentioned below. Download the ones that best meet your budget and requirements. Keep reading.

1. Personal Capital

This app specializes in wealth management. It records all your financial information and carefully analyzes your entire monetary picture including all the investments. In simple words, Personal Capital is a finance app that enables you to organize your assets as well as investments while simultaneously looking after your everyday expenses.


  • Has a separate investment option
  • Gives access to banking advisors


  • Wealth handling charges are relatively high.
  • The app’s interface isn’t user-friendly. This might be a problem for those who are looking for a simple financing tool.

2. Prism

Prism essentially is the best app for bill payment. Why? Because it focuses solely on this aspect and serves thousands of billers every month. It displays all your bills as well as financial information in a single application giving you a clear and better picture of all your expenses and finances. You will be surprised to know that this app has over ten thousand billers including big and small businesses, banks, etc. The cherry on top, it is completely free.


  • Regularly sends payment reminders.
  • Shows your entire billing picture in a single window.


This app has very limited billing-related features.

3. Spendee

Spendee is created specifically to be shared by several members of a household, and that is why it is regarded as one of the best apps for shared expenses. Spendee can particularly be helpful for couples who need to monitor their joint accounts.

This app enables you to manage shared spending for a household budget by allowing you to create wallets with friends and family. To track your monthly spending, you can easily import your bank deals and let the software categorize them. For a more precise accounting of your spending, you can also manually add cash expenses using this app.


  • The app has a great user interface with everything properly categorized.
  • It is easily reachable by household members or roommates.


  • The free plan has just a few features.
  • The Bank account sync option is only accessible when you sign up with the premium plan.

5. Mobills

If you want to view your financial situation in the shape of charts, don’t forget to download Mobills as it will give you an accurate financial picture. This app organizes all your expenses in relevant categories so that you can easily record your spending and keep all your expenses within your budget. Mobills also displays the total amount that you are left with after all your expenditures and displays it in the form of interactive charts.


  • The app has a friendly user interface.
  • All the important terms are carefully divided into clear categories.


The free version does not have many features.

Final Words

We thoroughly researched all the personal finance apps available in the market and included the ones that are both economical and efficient in this article. We hope you’ll find this article helpful. We understand that wealth management is a serious job and hence choosing the best finance apps can be a tough task. We have tried our best to simplify this task for you by giving an overview of all the apps and listing down their negative and positive points so you can get a clearer picture. Carefully read the pros and cons and choose the apps that best meet your daily requirements. Good luck!

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