DejaOffice on Play Store
DejaOffice on Apple Store


Memos is a powerful notes and memos application with full search capabilities.

DejaOffice Memos List

Memos displays a list of all your notes and memos. This list is displayed alphabetically, but can also be sorted by category.

To view a memo's details, just tap on it.

Add a New Memo

DejaOffice Add Memo Edit Screen

Adding a new memo is easy. Just tap the plus sign in the top right corner, or press the Menu button and select 'Add'.

You can choose a category, add contact links, and choose whether or not to mark the memo as private (password-protected).

Then, just enter the details into the note field. Notes are automatically saved when you hit the back button.

Search your Memos

DejaOffice Memos Search

Use Android's Global Search feature to search all DejaOffice data. To search, tap your Android's Search key, or press the Menu key, then tap search.

DejaOffice searches all notes data, including title and body text.