DejaTasks is where you'll find your to-do list. DejaTasks supports categories, priorities, due dates and completions to help you organize and arrange your mobile office. Use DejaTasks with proven methods, such as the GTD System, to maximize your efficiency!
DejaTasks give you a variety of options to search and sort your tasks. Before we jump in, let's look at the main properties a task can have.
Priorities: Assign your tasks a High, Medium, or Low priority.
Due Date: Tasks can be untimed (no due date), or they can have specific due dates.
Category: Just like contacts and calendar, you can group your tasks by category.
Completed: Mark tasks that you've finished as 'Completed'.
DejaOffice gives you a variety of ways to sort your tasks. Sort options can be found in the context menu - just press the Menu button.
From there, you can choose to sort and group your tasks by subject, priority, or due date.
Additionally, you have the option to show tasks that are overdue, tasks only due today, tasks due in the next/last 7 days, or all tasks.
From the tasks screen, just tap in the checkbox next to each task to complete it.
The 'Complete' option is also available by long pressing (holding for about 3 seconds) on any task.
In the context menu, you can choose whether or not to display completed tasks.
In the DejaOffice settings for tasks, you can also enable DejaOffice to roll over any overdue tasks (if you miss a deadline, the task due date will change to today).
To link a contact to a task, first choose a task to view the task details screen, then tap the pencil icon in the upper-right corner to edit the task.
In the edit screen, find and tap the button labeled 'Add Contact'. This will open your address book.
Choose a Contact to attach. You can repeat this process to link multiple contacts to the task.
Once a link has been established, you can always return to the task details screen and tap the contact name to jump right to that contact's details, and vice-versa.
DejaOffice supports Franklin Covey (FC), Take Back Your Life (TBYL), Outlook style, and Palm style tasks. Franklin Covey uses A-Z and 1-99 to prioritize tasks; Microsoft Outlook uses High, Medium, and Low; and Palm Desktop uses 1-5.
Select your preferred task priority style, or group by option, by visiting DejaOffice Settings > DejaTasks Settings menu.
Use the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology by grouping DejaTasks by GTD Status. Click Here for more information on the GTD system.
You can group DejaTasks by Category, Location, Priority, Status, Contacts, and Due Date.
This picture shows DejaTasks Grouped by Getting Things Done (GTD).