Templates make entry tasks a breeze. By storing pre-set data for Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Memos, Journal, and Expenses you can quickly and seamlessly create a new DejaOffice entry. Click here for a video demonstration!
To access Templates select 'Templates' from the DejaOffice Home Screen. This will take you to the Template list view.
From the list view you can add a new Template or modify an existing one.
To create a Template tap the plus sign in the top right corner of the Template list view.
This will open a menu that allows you to choose the type of Template you would like to create.
Tap the type you wish to make and fill out what you would like to be pre-defined and then tap the 'check-mark' to save.
To apply a Template access any part of DejaOffice and elect to create a new record using the 'plus sign.'
When the edit screen opens you will be prompted with the Template list, select the one you wish to use and it will fill in the necessary data for you.